Indian Corporate World and Capital Market have witnessed historic events this year. Two of the major events which definitely demands attention from the aspirants of Civil Services for General Studies Main Examination are the first listing of an IDR of a foreign bank-Standard Charter Bank in India. Second is the entry of Bharti Airtel in Africa. No doubt, the Indian corporate world had been buying foreign companies and name of TATA Sons companies had hogged the lime light in the recent years. However, Bharti Airtel entry into 18 African countries is an historic event in itself. In addition to that a new financial product in form of ETF is another important issue.
Any how, IDR or Indian Depository Receipt is a topic which must be included into the probable questions.
A relevant link is on Wikipedia and for that click HERE.
In addition to that, it is useful to make notes on ADR (Click HERE for American Depository Receipt) and GDR (Global Depository Receipt Click Here).
For ETF download a highly simplified PDF for NSE website. For detailed explanation from the NSE site Click HERE. A general description in pdf format can also be downloaded for which Click HERE.