Useful Resources

Sunday, January 29, 2012

India Year Book 2011

The interested aspirants can download the India Year Book 2011 HERE.

The link is provided by an anonymous commentator on this website. The commentator has provided the link to The site has good information on other competitive examinations also. However, it has inbuilt links to other sites also. I hope that the candidates would find the link provided by me quite useful.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

La Nina

The present Cold weather is attributed to La Nina effect.

Check the Times of India Report HERE.

For details

Check the Wikipedia explanation HERE.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Indo-China Trade $67 billion:6700 crore $

Check the Outlook Story HERE.

It is a usual kind of a story on the news magazine. However, there are figures on Indo China Trade which are good for notes. Secondly, it has given a perspective on ground realities of Indo-China trade which can be useful for preparing answers for the interview.

The hurdles for small and medium Indian Businessmen
The objections of the Chinese Businessmen against the Indian business scenario.
The local ground realities of Chinese Market.
The support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The credit problem for the Indian Businessmen
The future prospects
The Indian Exporters expectation from the Chinese Market

General Information

UPSC has taken initiative to display Last Year Question Papers of CS, CDS, NDA, CMS, Engineering Service on its site. Check them out at The files are PDF.

go to and check what is new.

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