Useful Resources

Sunday, April 29, 2012

GAAR: What is it?

GAAR stands for General Anti-Avoidance Rules. It is aimed at checking the tax avoidance by companies. The Economic Times article HERE discusses the different dimensions and actual thought behind it. It is good for reading and making relevant notes.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Demographic Data for 60 Plus

India is a country which is growing young. In case of other countries, the old population is increasing more than young population. However, that does not mean that India would not be having the issue of old population. In coming years, the issue of the old age population would require attention of the government.

Check the Report HERE and make notes on the contents.

General Information

UPSC has taken initiative to display Last Year Question Papers of CS, CDS, NDA, CMS, Engineering Service on its site. Check them out at The files are PDF.

go to and check what is new.

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