BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China: The probable world leading economies by 2050: A Theory discussed elsewhere on this blog.
Similarly, IBSA: India, Brazil and South Africa another economic group expected to influence the world economy.
These two non-European Economic groups (different from regional group) are being watched and pursued with great expectations. No doubt, our present government is also giving lot of significance to these economic group relations. BRIC has been included on this blog even for 2009. BRIC and IBSA remain important probable questions for 2010 Prelims as well as in Mains and even in ongoing interviews. It should be prepared with preparing small notes on each economic group (Good material is already available on Wikipedia), the core description of the state heads, the governments, the capitals of the countries and main economic ratios of these countries should be included. (Again take help of Wikipedia and CIA fact books: A better way than what you can buy from market. Most of them are merely recycling of what is given there expect for one or two publications.)
The hitched report is included which does not give much peep into the topic but discusses different angles. It is intently chosen because it is on one hand required higher understanding of the international relation to which Siddarth Varadaranjan refers to and on the hand given a glimpse of opinions of tricky international relations. A person who does not have taste for international relations and is an aspirant for Civil Services examinations, it can be a provocative introduction.
Apart from that I have included a link to a list of similar reports. However, take help of Wikipedia for main search option namely BRIC (already available on this blog) and IBSA.
Hitched Links:
The Hindu : Front Page : From IBSA to CHIBSA? BRIC to BRICS? Not yet
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