Useful Resources

Saturday, October 08, 2016


Arthapedia: It is a portal maintained by the Indian Economic Services. It gives the explanation of the concepts used in India economy policy. Such concepts help to understand the Indian Economy and its governance. The General Studies Paper III is related to the India Economy. A study of the portal will definitely help the aspirants. One can reach it by Clicking Here. Some of the suggestive concepts given below may help to appreciate the relevance:
1. Consumer Price Index
2. Jan Aushadhi Scheme
3. Kisan Credit Card
4. National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF)
5. Money Bill
6. Finance Bill
7. Appropriation Bill
Presently there are approximately around 400 terms. Many of the terms are of recent origin and they are highly useful for the forthcoming Mains papers. There are equally useful for the Prelims 2017.

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